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Strategic Business Planning for Family Businesses Course

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Achieve your family business growth and profit targets

Delivered exclusively through FBA, this course will provide your family business with the knowledge, tools and resources to develop a tailored strategic plan, instilling clarity, direction and a systematic decision-making approach aligned to your family’s vision, values and legacy. This course is offered with an on-demand, self-paced online structure, allowing you to progress through the 8 hours of content at your own convenience. To ensure you are supported throughout the self-paced course, FBA Specialist Accredited Advisor and experienced family business expert, Harry Kras, will be only a click away throughout the duration of the program. 

The Strategic Business Planning program comprises of;

  • 1 x 45-minute webinar at the start of the program to guide participants on the Strategic Planning process
  • 1 x 45-minute webinar at the end of the program to guide participants on driving the implementation of their Strategic Plan
  • 14 module Online Training course including 4K videos, written outlines and work areas for participants to ‘learn through doing'

Practical outcomes, not theory

  • Learn a wealth of powerful tools and processes to share the way you develop or refine your family business strategic plan
  • Get clarity around where the family business is now as well as a vision for the future
  • Understand and harness the family-owned aspect of your business to harness your unique competitive advantage and stand out from the rest of the market
  • Capture all your great learnings and insights from the program into an actionable one page plan for your business
  • Boost your probability of change success with your strategic plan
  • Receive accountability and support from your facilitator for the duration of the program

Who should attend 

  • Current and future leaders of the Family Business

This is a course for the business, not just an individual. We recommend attending this course together as a family/business unit to provide you all with a common vision and the tools necessary for strategic planning.

*The member price applies to a business, and extra individual login licenses can be obtained for $350.

Course Content

This online course is delivered over an 8-week period as 8-hours of self-paced online modules. Links to the webinar sessions will be provided via email.

- Strategic Planning Course Overview
- Family Business 3-dimensional model 
- Now Where How
- Vision Mapping
- Understanding the Strategic Planning model
- Developing your Sustainable Competitive Advantage
- Strategic SWOT
- Mindmapping the HOW
- Pareto – 80/20
- Force Field – taking Strategy into action
- Family Business Structures
- The one-page Plan
- Change Success
- Strategic Planning:- Next Steps

Course Facilitator

Harry Kras | Family Business Resource Centre

Specialties: Family agreements and constitutions, Succession Planning, Vision and Values
Areas of expertise: Communication skills

Families seek out Harry to help them work together more productively in areas such as improving communication within the family, developing a common vision and values, documenting their understandings in a family agreement or constitution, easing the transition process from one generation to the next. Harry is a family business facilitator and works with successful business families to help them harness the power of the family to maximise the rewards from business ownership. His many years of experience in the field enable him to help his family business clients find answers that suit their unique circumstances.

Contact the FBA Office on 1800 249 357 or if you require assistance with your registration.