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Family Business Insights - State Conference SA/NT 2024

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Family Business Association proudly presents the Family Business Insights State Conference hosted in South Australia on Friday, 20 September 2024.

Immerse yourself in this half-day premier event as you connect, share and grow with your South Australian and Northern Territory family business peers.

Throughout this unrivalled conference program you will be inspired by high calibre speakers and a keynote presentation. You’ll gain valuable insights as they take you on an exploration of topics including navigating voluntary administration, avoiding insolvency in family businesses, creating an effective workplace culture and embracing philanthropy.

Family Business Excellence Awards

This year we will also be announcing and celebrating your local Family Business Excellence Awards winners over lunch before the program begins. 

Meet the speakers

Session 1: To the Brink and Back

Kevin Webb
Director, Head of Finance Spring Gully Foods

The complexities of managing a family are daunting enough - but when you add a business into the mix it becomes clear why so many ventures struggle in today’s challenging climate. Thankfully, amidst this turmoil, Spring Gully Foods, one of South Australia’s most iconic brands, weathered the storm. Plunged into voluntary administration in April 2013 due to a significant sales downturn, the company found itself burdened with debts nearing $5 million.

Join Kevin Webb, a third-generation family business member and former Managing Director, as he recounts how he steered the company back from the brink of collapse. He will share the emotional journey of recognising warning signs, preparing himself to confront the crisis head-on and orchestrating the necessary turnaround that has positioned the company to emerge even stronger and more innovative today.

Session 2: Avoiding Insolvency in Family Businesses
Drew Craven
Insolvency Lawyer
Andreyev Lawyers
Louisa Andreucci
Hood Sweeney
David Trim
Hall Chadwick
Alix Doherty
Principal Business Advisor
Alix Doherty Advisory

All businesses face insolvency risk, yet it is a risk more often ignored than managed. Appropriate accounting advice is essential for clients to manage insolvency risk, as is good legal hygiene.  Making sure one’s commercial contracts afford some protection from insolvency risk is also key.  If protective measures are taken early, a client’s key business assets and family wealth can be protected if an insolvency event is looming or, even worse, if it occurs.

Facilitated by Alix Doherty, this session will highlight the red flags and protective measures from both accounting and legal perspectives, as well as outline the process of voluntary administration from an insolvency specialist.

Session 3Managing Psychosocial Risk and Fostering Psychological Safety in Family Business

Jo Marshall
Chief Culturiser
Brandon Arrowsmith 
Health and Safety Specialist

The terms psychosocial risk and psychological safety may be unfamiliar to many business owners, but it is vital to understand the difference between the two and how they impact performance in an organisation. In family businesses, where family dynamics intertwine with business operations, fostering psychological safety is especially crucial.

Psychological safety encourages employees to be open and honest about their thoughts, feelings and ideas. This openness leads to greater creativity, collaboration and productivity. Psychosocial hazards are defined as anything that could cause psychological harm to workers and must be eliminated/mitigated using a risk management approach. By fostering a safe environment and creating an effective workplace culture, family business owners can better manage risks and protect their workers from psychological harm.

This session we will explore the importance of psychological safety and managing psychosocial risk in family businesses and provide strategies to cultivate a supportive and effective workplace.

Session 4Moving Beyond Profit: Embracing Philanthropy and the Culture of Giving

Jenny Hurley AM
Managing Director
Hurley Hotel Group
Brett Miller
Co-founder and Group CEO
Miller Dental Group
Kay Burton
SA Philanthropy Network

Family businesses have always played a big part in ‘giving back’ - however, there is a lot to consider regarding how this can best be achieved.

For many family businesses the goal of the organisation can extend beyond profitability to a higher purpose - the delivery of value creation and IMPACT back to its community.  It’s then important to figure out the causes they care about and establish a robust framework to ensure any giving or support create real IMPACT.

Both the Hurley Hotel Group and Miller Dental Group exemplify family businesses that extend beyond profit-driven motives, embracing philanthropy and the delivery of IMPACT back to their communities. Facilitated by Kay Burton, Jenny Hurley AM and Brett Miller will share their experiences on how they have effectively structured philanthropy, exploring two innovative models and the ways in which this has benefited their family businesses.

Program Outline

Please note: Program is subject to change.

Networking Drinks
Networking drinks will round off the celebrations, so we hope you will stay for this wonderful opportunity to connect with other members.

Conference and Family Business Excellence Award Lunch Registration 


Registration includes the seated two-course lunch, afternoon tea and post-event networking drinks and canapes.

Early bird pricing ends on Friday 23 August.

* Prices include GST.


The Marriott Adelaide, is set within the iconic General Post Office and is perfectly located in the heart of the city overlooking Victoria Square.

With Sincere Thanks to our Event Table Sponsors


Please contact our office on 1800 249 357 or at if you have any questions or require assistance with your registration.

For information regarding cancellation and substitutions, please click here.