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‘Preparing for the end of year busyness’ | Resourcing appropriately (HR/Recruitment)

With the end of 2023 fast approaching, it’s time to get our houses in order ahead of going to market to recruit key roles in the New Year.

30 October, 2023
Article, Human resources, Marketing
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With the end of 2023 fast approaching, it’s time to get our houses in order ahead of going to market to recruit key roles in the New Year.

First cab off the rank is to define “what success looks like” for those positions. While Position Descriptions might exist, they are typically a laundry list of responsibilities and duties and rarely define the outcomes and deliverables required of positions.

Investing time in identifying and describing success criteria before starting to recruit a position has twin benefits:

  • “Action oriented” candidates – the ones we really want to find – are far more likely to be attracted to an opportunity that describes the outcomes they will be delivering than they will by reading what they have to have in terms of qualifications or experience.

  • Assessing candidates against their abilities to deliver the required outcomes, as opposed to the qualifications or experience they possess, is a far more effective method of recruiting high performers. Satisfy yourself that the candidate has the ability to do what you need them to do through confirming their experience of having done it previously, and you are a long way toward hiring the right person.

The second task is to sit down with your Marketing team and create a compelling story that describes your value proposition as an employer. Attracting candidates is a marketing exercise and engaging the help of experts in that field will deliver better response to advertisements, as well as more positive responses from prospective employees you might approach direct.

You have a great story to tell. Tell it well.

Invest time in these two areas in the run-up to Christmas and you’ll be setting yourself up for success not just in 2024, but for years to come!

Written by Michael Simonyi

Michael Simonyi

Managing Director

Family Business Recruitment Partners




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