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International Women’s Day | AMANDA CHALLEN

What do you love most about your business?  The thing I love most about my business is how it supports both my family and my greater village. For over 40 years, Advance Civil Engineering has nurtured our family and the families of many local people, businesses, charities, sports teams and more. This is something that I take great pride in. I truly feel that it’s about the village, and I am happy with how we represent ourselves on that scale.

7 March, 2023
Article, Family Business Leaders, Women in Family Business, Family Business
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What do you love most about your business? 

The thing I love most about my business is how it supports both my family and my greater village. For over 40 years, Advance Civil Engineering has nurtured our family and the families of many local people, businesses, charities, sports teams and more. This is something that I take great pride in. I truly feel that it’s about the village, and I am happy with how we represent ourselves on that scale.


What is something you wished you knew starting out?

I wish I knew then about all the people who were happy to share their time and expertise to help our company succeed. In the haze of new beginnings, it is easy to think that we’re on our own, and everyone else is competition. I have found that to not be the case. So many people have shared their ‘Wis Gems’ and checked in on us along the way. I am truly grateful for each and every one of them. If I knew then what I know now, I would have been braver in my willingness to ask for guidance.

What have you found to be the biggest hurdle to female leadership?

‘Woman think’ is an interesting thing to manage. On a personal level, I have to manage my limiting beliefs and get on with the job of succeeding. On a greater level, I don’t need to continuously prove myself. I just need to be me and continue to do the best I can. Things will fall into place in due course. It is true that there are historical and current obstacles. I am confident that the more I manage my personal thoughts, the more diminished those obstacles will become.

What do you think are the top 3 habits to successful leadership? 

  1. Self Care. It is imperative that we as leaders take proper care of our health, welfare, spirituality, and mental well-being. As leaders, not only do we need to prioritise self care, but we need to show our circles of influence how imperative this is and encourage them to do the same.
  2. We must be active listeners. We must express ourselves clearly and confidently, and we must be willing to hear – actually hear – what other people are saying. This is a critical skill and is completely underrated in leadership.
  3. Leading by example. It’s not that we need to be at the front of every parade, however our ideals, values and morals must be in plain sight. We must be willing to teach and learn, to speak and listen, and to guide our people. Leading by example is not as easy as it seems, however I believe it is a sign of healthy leadership.

What is the best advice you have received in business that has supported your success?

The best advice I have ever received is to back yourself! This aligns with managing our inner dialogue and my previous comments. As well, a piece of advice that guides me today is to be fearless. Get information. Take advice, and go fearlkessly forward in your space of power. Also, make notes of conversations.

What advice you would give to the next generation of female leaders? 

The best advice that I can give our up-and-coming leaders is to surround yourself with champions and trailblazers. This is the very reason that I have joined the Family Business Association. Educate yourself. Practice good leadership. Take advice. Have fun. Surround yourself with good people. Invest in your village – both time and money. Invite success. Celebrate the small things. Be glorious!

Happy International Women’s Day.

Advance Civil Engineering PTY. LTD.