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Meet Our Member: 1Above

Over a decade ago, 1Above launched their flight drink, aimed to combat jet lag. As a product enjoyed by many travellers, it has now become a family-owned business run by three brothers who, interestingly, were satisfied customers turned investors and ultimately, proud owners. We spoke with the team at 1Above to learn more about the family business and their transition from being a customer to overseeing the business grow into a leading name on Amazon USA and Australia.

26 August, 2024
Become a Member, Family Business, Family Business Owners, Family-Owned Business, New Zealand, Article
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Over a decade ago, 1Above launched their flight drink, aimed to combat jet lag. As a product enjoyed by many travellers, it has now become a family-owned business run by three brothers who, interestingly, were satisfied customers turned investors and ultimately, proud owners. We spoke with the team at 1Above to learn more about the family business and their transition from being a customer to overseeing the business grow into a leading name on Amazon USA and Australia.

What makes your family business unique?

Three brothers, Wilson, Shaun and Cameron Russell working together. We were originally customers of 1Above, then investors and now owners. As keen travellers, we enjoyed the jet lag relief 1Above offered and became investors because of our positive experience with the product. In late 2019, the opportunity arose to purchase 1Above and bring it into our family office. It is exciting to be a leading product on Amazon USA and Amazon Australia for travel wellness. Engaging with airlines, hotels, retail, and professional sports is also very interesting.

How many generations are currently in your family business?

One and a half. The 'one' covers the directors/management and the 'half' is the family student labour. What is very important is all members of our team enjoy the 1Above environment.

What do you value about being part of FBA?

1Above is a new member. FBA is a platform to connect with other independent business people. It is great to exchange ideas in a family friendly environment.

I believe family enterprises are under recognised contributors to the economy. It is nice to learn of the challenges and successes other members have experienced. Many are inspirational and set a high standard to emulate.

What piece of advice you would offer another family business?

My suggestion would be to “just start”. It doesn’t need to be perfect but take that step. Back your knowledge and have a go.

We have been doing this in manufacturing, property and investment, plus now 1Above. We are living by this mantra with a new industrial wellness product being released in New Zealand shortly. Watch this space!

Learn more about 1Above

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