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Meet Our Member: Earthtrade

Earthtrade is a family-owned business that is leading the charge towards a sustainable future. FBA's QLD State Representative, Laura Suarez, spoke with FBA member, Alan Key, to learn more about the family business, how it started, and how it evolved into the beacon of environmental excellence that it is today.

3 June, 2024
Become a Member, Family Business, Family Business Owners, Family-Owned Business, Queensland, Article
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Earthtrade is a family-owned business that is leading the charge towards a sustainable future. FBA's QLD State Representative, Laura Suarez, spoke with FBA member, Alan Key, to learn more about the family business, how it started, and how it evolved into the beacon of environmental excellence that it is today.

Alan Key founded Earthtrade in 2007 after over a decade of working in the Department of Primary Industries. As part of this work, Alan was tasked with working between landholders and the QLD government for the establishment of Codes for Clearing. These codes were intended to make clear and understandable to landholders what areas of vegetation they can and can’t clear. This would in turn allow government clearer control and understanding of the environment in QLD. These controls were fundamental outflows from Australia’s ratification of the United Nations Kyoto Accord.

Joined by his son Thomas in 2014, Earthtrade evolved into a family business. Thomas, armed with a background in finance and mathematics, brought fresh perspectives to the table. What started as basic data management blossomed into comprehensive cashflow management services, empowering clients to navigate their biodiversity offset obligations with confidence.

Amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Thomas seized the opportunity to expand Earthtrade's offerings. His ecological expertise laid the groundwork for innovative ecological models, setting industry standards and propelling Earthtrade to the forefront of environmental consultancy.

Today, Earthtrade stands as a beacon of environmental excellence, having advised on 95 key developments across Queensland. Together, Alan and Thomas have secured over 25,000 hectares of land for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity.

With a legacy built on passion, expertise, and a commitment to the planet, Earthtrade continues to lead the charge towards a sustainable future for generations to come.

What has been your greatest success?

Our greatest success is the relationships we’ve been able to develop with our clients. We’ve moved from simple technical consulting to complex advisory and even development planning and that’s all due to the trust we’ve been able to develop with all our clients.

What do you value about FBA?

Network and Education. The network of members within FBA is very different to the companies we associate with in other groups and memberships. It's a group of companies and people with very different histories and business trajectories, which is why members are happy to share their experiences and learnings with the rest of the group.

Learn more about Earthtrade

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