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Meet Our Member: Green Pillars Co.

An Australian importer since 2006, Nicola Depiazzi is a mother of three, avid runner and reader, nature enthusiast, and interested in mindset and personal development. FBA's WA State Representative, Katie McMeekin, spoke with Nicola from Green Pillars Co. to learn more about the family business, how it started and how they are helping other businesses achieve complete business reliability.

24 June, 2024
Become a Member, Family Business, Family Business Owners, Family-Owned Business, Western Australia, Article
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An Australian importer since 2006, Nicola Depiazzi is a mother of three, avid runner and reader, nature enthusiast, and interested in mindset and personal development. FBA's WA State Representative, Katie McMeekin, spoke with Nicola from Green Pillars Co. to learn more about the family business, how it started and how they are helping other businesses achieve complete business reliability.

How it all started

Nicola and her husband Dan have been running businesses for 15 years. After helping Dan with his businesses in the landscape industry, Nicola started her own marketing consultancy in 2017 specialising in online presence, brand visibility, and customer attraction. Seeing a need, she then expanded her expertise as an NLP coach, which led to the creation of the Thriving Business Mums Club. In this membership community, Nicola coached mums in business to attract customers in the easiest way possible with the limited time available. The focus was digital marketing but also habits, mindset, time management, procrastination, and how they affect how effectively we work.

In 2022, Nicola discovered SYSTEMology, a solution that perfectly aligned with her aim of educating business owners on effective time management, productivity, and the art of running dependable businesses.

Green Pillars Co was born in early 2023, which coincided with Nicola, Dan and their kids spending a year in the UK to give the kids a bit of Britishness and have a bit of an adventure! Nicola worked with clients in the landscaping industry in the UK and, since arriving back in Australia in January 2024, has been helping SMEs from all industries change the way they do business—led by systems.

Green Pillars Co. today

Green Pillars Co.’s vision is to build a better world by building better businesses. That means creating really well-run businesses with great culture and inspiring leaders that allow their owners to have more time and money to give back to their community, spend more time with their family, and have space for the things they love, like fitness and holidays.

Coaching the SYSTEMology framework, Nicola aims to achieve complete business reliability for her clients. The result is a business where the founders can step out of the day-to-day operations, reduce key person dependency and micromanaging, and regain that elusive work-life balance.

Nicola's warmth and energy inspire business owners to create a trusted business people want to engage with, come back to, and recommend to others. With her guidance, entrepreneurs finally unlock the doors to growth, have more money in the bank, and that elusive commodity - time.

Connecting with like-minded family businesses

FBA is a natural place for Green Pillars Co., thanks to shared values and interests with other family businesses that, like us, are committed to building sustainable businesses. We’re looking forward to learning, connecting, supporting, and networking with other like-minded business owners.

Learn more about Green Pillars Co.

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