How can we help?

Navigating Family Business Workshops for A Solid Foundation

In partnership with the Office for Small and Family Business, FBA is offering a series of three workshops specifically tailored to the unique needs of family businesses, providing you with practical knowledge and capability across three core family business areas - Succession, Governance and Legal Considerations. These workshops will provide you with practical knowledge that’s critical to improve business processes and drive sustainable growth for generations, no matter your stage in business.

4 June, 2024
Continued Professional Development, Education, Article, Family Business, Family Business Owners, Family-Owned Business, South Australia
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Navigating Family Business Workshops For A Solid Foundation

Exclusive To South Australia

In partnership with the Office for Small and Family Business, FBA is offering a series of three workshops specifically tailored to the unique needs of family businesses, providing you with practical knowledge and capability across three core family business areas - Succession, Governance and Legal Considerations. These workshops will provide you with practical knowledge that’s critical to improve business processes and drive sustainable growth for generations, no matter your stage in business.

In the Succession in Family Business workshop, you will delve into what is involved in succession planning, why it is vital and the key elements involved. You’ll leave with an understanding of where you are on your succession journey and a plan for next steps. 

The Governance in Family Business workshop will help you understand key elements of governance, identify your gaps and plan next steps towards sound governance in your family business.

Lastly, the Legal Considerations in Family Business workshop will help you understand the distinct legal responsibilities of running a family business, and key areas of personal and commercial risk. Identify the gaps in your current legal knowledge and leave armed with the next steps to ensure compliance in your family business.

Succession in Family Business

Thursday 13 June

Thursday 13 August

Thursday 24 September

 Governance in Family Business

Wednesday 31 July

Wednesday 9 October

Legal Considerations in Family Business

Monday 24 June

Monday 29 August

Monday 24 October

Available for family businesses in South Australia, workshops will run for 3 hours and are available both in-person in Adelaide and online, costing $55 per person.

You can join a single workshop, or two or three and in any order that works for you.

Register for the workshop(s) that best fits your family business' needs today!

Register Today