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Navigating New Zealand's Immigration Changes: A Guide for Employers

How can New Zealand employers navigate the changes to immigration policy? The team at NZ Visa Connections, a New Zealand family business, take you through some of the key complexities for employers, and provide guidance in hiring and retaining overseas workers, ensuring compliance, optimising immigration strategies, and building a high-performing workforce.

7 August, 2024
Family Business, New Zealand, Article
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New Zealand's acute skills shortage continues to significantly impact business across all sectors. Recent shifts in immigration policy aims to address this challenge, yet it also introduces new complexities for employers. Let’s have a look at some of the most relevant and tricky changes to consider how they create opportunities and challenges for NZ employers.

The Accredited Employer Scheme

The Accredited Employer Scheme marked a significant transformation in New Zealand’s immigration landscape. This employer-led system offers greater flexibility in hiring overseas workers but also necessitates a higher level of commitment from companies. To achieve accreditation, employers must demonstrate robust workplace practices, compliance with employment laws, and a clear plan to safeguard the wellbeing of migrant staff. 

This shift places a premium on responsible employer behaviour, requiring extensive action to maintain compliance throughout accreditation. Many companies renewing their accreditation are facing detailed and onerous requests from Immigration New Zealand to prove they have met accreditation standards.


The Stand-Down Period

The stand-down period for work visa holders means that many migrants can only have one work visa before being required to leave NZ. This policy, intended to safeguard employment opportunities for New Zealanders, gives migrants one visa of 2 or 5 years (depending on their skill level). The impact on employers, who come to rely on loyal, hardworking and skilled migrant employees, cannot be underestimated. 

Employers can take steps to mitigate this. Now is the time to implement comprehensive retention strategies, investing in employee development based on immigration policy with an aim of migrant retention.

Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) Changes

The Skilled Migrant Category is a vital pathway for skilled workers seeking to obtain residence. Recent updates to SMC include huge adjustments to the points-based system, changes to the skill level classifications, and an emphasis on certain industries facing skill shortages. 

As a result, some employers may find it easier to sponsor certain skilled workers under the revised points system, while others may face challenges in attracting talent for roles not aligning with the updated skill classifications. 

The new points system appears deceptively simple, with migrants approaching employers confident of eligibility when this is often not accurate. Assessing the visa eligibility of migrant candidates early in a recruitment process can save time and money.


The Green List

The Green List, which identifies occupations critical to New Zealand's economic growth, provides a streamlined pathway for hiring in-demand talent. However, employers should carefully align their recruitment strategies with Green List criteria to maximise its benefits. 

Competition for skilled workers in roles on the Green List is likely to intensify, requiring employers to develop compelling employer value propositions to attract top talent. Employers can be smart in how they describe their role and its fit within their business to enable use of this list.

By partnering with immigration specialists, employers can ensure compliance, optimise their immigration strategies, and build a high-performing workforce. 

NZ Visa Connections offers expert guidance to businesses navigating these complexities and welcome questions from FBA members. 

Get in touch with us to chat about your business and immigration rules.

Get in touch with NZ Visa Connections

NZ Visa Connections is a family run business headed by two sisters, Rebecca and Helen Strange, both Licensed Immigration Advisers.

We are originally from the UK and migrated to New Zealand over fifteen years ago, so we have personal experience of what it is like to emigrate, make visa applications and settle in a new country.

Guiding our work at all times is a strong ethical and value base, where our clients are at the centre of all we do. We work respectfully and carefully, providing a high standard of advocacy for those we work with. For us, immigration feels like changing lives and this influences everything we do.

NZ Visa Connections provides immigration options to employers, investors and migrants. We work across all types of visa pathways – both for people planning a move to New Zealand & those who are already here. We also work extensively with Employers, supporting them to recruit and retain the migrant workforce many NZ businesses rely on.

We understand that the visa application process can vary greatly. Our tailor-made packages for clients or employer are based on their individual needs and goals. As we know New Zealand’s immigration system inside out we are able to advise on a wide range of options. Our specialist knowledge, training and qualifications means we can assist with all investment, visa & immigration matters. Using our established network of business professionals we provide a wraparound service with access to recruitment, tax advice, HR and settlement services to name a few. We adhere to a strict code of conduct and are licensed by an independent government authority, The Immigration Advisers Authority.