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Welcome new Forum Group Facilitators

One door closes and 5 more open in our Forum Group Program as we say thank you and farewell to Peter Ivett and welcome 5 new Forum Facilitators across NSW/ACT and VIC/TAS.

17 July, 2024
Forum Groups, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Article
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One door closes and 5 more open in our Forum Group Program as we say thank you and farewell to Peter Ivett, and welcome 5 new Forum Facilitators across New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory, and Victoria/Tasmania.

Thank you Peter Ivett

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Peter Ivett, who is passing the baton this month as NSW Forum Group Facilitator. Peter has been instrumental in contributing to our program in New South Wales and nationally for over 16 years. Peter stays firmly committed to his role as an Advisor with FBA. Thank you Peter, we know Forum group members will miss your guidance and support.

Welcome 4 New Forum Facilitators in NSW

We are exceptionally fortunate to welcome our new Forum Group Facilitators, all with outstanding facilitation skills, business prowess and family business know-how.

Stuart Findlay

Penny Dillon

Vanessa Fudge

John Vamos

Welcome Joanne Hood as Forum Facilitator in VIC 

We extend a warm FBA welcome to Jo as she joins our Forum Group program in Victoria. Jo is an outcome-focused leadership coach, facilitator, and senior HR professional with more than 20 years of applied global experience.

"I've become an FBA Forum Facilitator as I enjoy working with groups to create space for meaningful conversation. I know the value of a well-facilitated meeting and hope to bring my skills, perspective and leadership style to the Forum program to ensure a good experience for all group members. I’ve already seen members benefit from the wisdom in the room. Forum group members are generous with sharing their experience and insights, and often very knowledgeable about a range of topics. There is also a benefit in being held accountable and being asked challenging questions from peers who have the best of intentions to help each other grow and develop. I enjoy the warmth and collegiality of FBA. It's been great to meet members, hear their stories and learn about their businesses. I love the diversity of business ventures, the range of backgrounds and the ethos to support and nurture other family business owners."

Find Your Forum Group

Our Forum Program has been a cornerstone of FBA for 25 years, fostering a community where like-minded peers come together for collective learning, growth and support.

Forum Groups offer a supportive and confidential space to navigate challenges, raise tough issues and talk them through, workshop ideas or issues, and celebrate successes. Led by an accredited family business facilitator, the Forum Program is your unique opportunity to seek counsel, learn from other’s experience, and share your own learnings. Running a family business can be extremely rewarding but it does come with a number of complexities and challenges. Ultimately, no one understands the nuances of family business better than you and your peers.

Harness the knowledge of a community that truly understands with FBA's Forum Group Program - you don't have to do it alone.

If you would like to have a confidential discussion about joining our Forum Group Program, please reach out to Olivia Spalding, Forum Group Manager at 03 9123 4412.

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